These are the new approved Bylaws.

Club Bylaws-SCOV Tennis Club

Article I-Name

Name: The legal name of this organization shall be the Vistoso Tennis Club, with a trade name established through the Arizona Department of State as SCOV Tennis Club.  The trade name, SCOV Tennis Club, is the name commonly used in communications and documents. It is a non-profit organization.

Article II-Object

Object: The object of the SCOV Tennis Club shall be to promote interest in tennis and to encourage fellowship among its members.

Article III-Authority and Limitations

The Club will operate as an instrument of Sun City Oro Valley Community Association, Inc., hereinafter referred to as SCOV in compliance with its bylaws and regulations, but will not conduct business or obligate funds in the name of SCOV.

Article IV-Membership

Section 1.      Membership is open to any person having a currently valid SCOV membership card. No eligible person shall be denied membership because of race, color, religion, sex, age,   national origin or disability.

Section 2.      Annual dues shall be proposed by the club Board members. Changes in the amount of annual dues exceeding $5.00 per year must be approved by a majority vote of members present at a regular or special club membership meeting.

Section 3.      All members shall be entitled to vote at any regular or special meeting of the club, and to participate in all club events upon compliance with all adopted regulations. Items voted upon will be decided by a majority vote of those present and voting. Electronic voting will be allowed at the Board’s discretion, but is not required.

Article V-Club Officers and Board Members

Section 1.      The officers of the Club shall consist of the following: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition, the Board will consist of three additional at-large members.

Section 2.      Term of Office: All elected officers and Board Members shall hold office for a term of two years and may be elected to the same office for not more than two consecutive terms. No member shall hold more than one office at a time.

Article VI-Nominations and Elections

Section 1.      Prior to the annual fall/winter membership meeting when Officer and Board members are elected, the Board or its designated nominating committee will recruit potential nominees for upcoming Board vacancies. Nominations for the Board will also be accepted from the floor during the annual fall/winter membership meeting.

Section 2.      The slate of proposed Officers and Board members shall be posted on the Club website at least two weeks prior to the election meeting.

Section 3.      The Board shall consist of seven members, with staggered two year terms, such that no more than four positions are elected in any year. The Board will appoint a Club member to serve the balance of the elected term if any Board member resigns or cannot continue to serve for any reason.

Section 4.      The Board will strive for diversity in recruitment of nominees for upcoming Board vacancies.

Article VII-Governing Body

Section 1.      The governing body of the Club is the Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board, which consists of the members listed in Article V.

Section 2.      It shall be the duty of the Board to conduct, manage and control the affairs and business of the club.

Section 3.      Meetings: The Board will meet as often as necessary, but no less than four times per year.  An annual membership meeting will be held in the fall or winter where election of upcoming Board members will be completed. Additional full membership meetings may be held as necessary.

Section 4.      Quorum: Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

Section 5.      Vacancies occurring in Board membership, with the exception of the President, will be replaced by Board appointment from the membership. Should a vacancy occur in the position of President, the Vice-President will assume that office.

Section 6.      All Board Members, upon retiring from office, will meet with his/her successor to review responsibilities and turn over all records or other Club possessions.

Article VIII-Duties of Officers and Board Members

Section 1.      President: the President shall be the chief administrator of the Club and shall preside over all meetings; shall appoint, with board approval, chairpersons of committees. In addition, the president shall schedule facility use with the SCOV Activities Director, and maintain responsibility for formal communications with SCOV and interclub discussions.

Section 2.      Vice-President: the Vice-President shall assist the president and shall, in his/her absence, perform the duties of the President.

Section 3.      Secretary: Shall record the minutes of regular and special meetings of the Board; shall be in charge of all formal records of the club except for the Treasurer’s Records and shall be responsible for correspondence as required by the Board and submit any required reports to SCOV.

Section 4.      Treasurer: is the chief financial officer and shall be responsible for collecting and recording annual dues and other income; shall pay all bills owed and shall present a financial summary of the Club at each board meeting and general membership meeting. The Treasurer shall furnish any financial records required by SCOV or the Club’s audit committee.

Section 5.      At-large Board Members may be assigned to tasks or chair committees and work groups as directed by the Board.

Article IX-Committees

Section 1.      Committees will be established by the Board as needed for successful Club operations. The committee chairperson will be appointed by the President.

Section 2.      Members of each committee shall be appointed by each committee chairperson.

Section 3.      The chairperson of each committee will report on its activities and progress to the Board periodically but no less than once per year.

Article X-Fiscal and Finance

Section 1.      The fiscal year shall be the calendar year January 1 through December 31.

Section 2.      An annual fiscal audit shall be conducted by a committee comprised of no less than two members appointed by the President. This review will include a review of records for income, expenditures and receipts and available cash balance. The audit committee will submit a brief written summary of its findings to the Board which will be reviewed at the next Board meeting and submitted to members or posted on the website prior to the next full membership meeting.

Section 3.      Budget: A. The Treasurer, with input from the Board, shall prepare a preliminary budget for the Board. Upon Board approval the budget will be shared with the full membership. B. No single unbudgeted expenditure in excess of $500 shall be made without the approval of the membership. Such membership approval can be sought during a membership meeting or by electronic voting at the Board’s discretion.

Section 4.      The Treasurer and at least one other Board member shall be authorized to pay legitimate club expenses via check, cash, debit card, electronic transfer or other appropriate payment method. The Treasurer may authorize use of the Club’s debit card to order food or pay other legitimate event expenses as a convenience to event organizers.

Section 5.      The Board may authorize the Treasurer to invest Club funds in Certificates of Deposit or other appropriate conservative financial instruments.

Section 6.      No member of the Club shall receive compensation for services rendered.

Article XI-General Membership Meetings

Section 1.      Membership meetings will be held as necessary but at least once per year, including a fall/winter meeting when upcoming Board vacancies are voted upon by membership.

Section 2:      Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or by three Board members. Notice of membership meetings will be provided on the Club website at least five days in advance.

Section 3:      All meetings, unless otherwise designated, shall be held at SCOV facilities.

Article XII-Parliamentary Authority

Section 1.      Roberts Rules of Order for Small Boards shall be the authority on all questions of parliamentary law for Board meetings unless in conflict with these bylaws, SCOV procedures or the laws of the State of Arizona.

Article XIII-Amendments

Section 1.      These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a membership meeting or by electronic vote at Board discretion. If electronic voting is employed, a motion will pass if a majority of the electronic votes cast are in favor. The proposed amendments or new bylaws shall be posted on the Club’s website not less than two weeks prior to the vote.

Section 2.      All proposed amendments or revised bylaws and subject to final approval by SCOV.

Article XIV-Dissolution

Section 1.      In the event of dissolution of the Club, all assets will be donated to SCOV. Dissolution is mandatory when membership falls below the level required by SCOV.

Section 2.      If dissolution is contemplated, the membership must be notified at least two weeks in advance of a membership meeting where a motion for the Club’s dissolution will be voted upon. The exception to the membership vote shall be in the case where membership falls below SCOV requirements.

Section 3.      Dissolution will not be completed until all outstanding debts are satisfied. The President may direct the use of Club assets to satisfy outstanding debts.

Adopted by Membership: (date)__________________________

Signatures of Club Representatives:

______________________________                 ___________________________                                                            

Club President   (date)                                                        Club Secretary      (date)